After 10pm in Singapore...there is no life except for the pubs and discos....Singapore night life is not for the masses...only for those who drink, smoke and dance......Something is lacking at night....and it is something in taiwan that make it so dynamic at night....that is real night life...night life for the old and young, tourist and locals....plenty of food and shopping and things to see and the atmosphere.....
The first night in Taipei went to 101, before that....due to hungry stomach....we decided to head for the nearby Ling Jiang Night Market....I will not say this is a big one....just one of those in the neighbour that walking without stopping from one end to the other takes about 15-20min but still..there is plenty of food and things to see.
Designated night market are usually on a street which is close at night for it and open to traffic for the day....
2 rows of shops line up the street with small stores selling food and products lining the side in front of the shops by the side of the the centre will have also a row of hawkers dividing the street into two narrow are basically 5 rows of shops as you walk down the narrow croweded street.....

The entrance or exit of the night market is usually crowded with food store.....u can pick anyone and eat along the is the first store of this night market

Broght 2-3 water stream bun from this store..basically is our Bak Bao but there is soup inside and is very tasty

Then we saw this "sweet but not spicy hot" actually TEMPURA!!

And we saw this sausage store...taiwan sausage is very delicious and is popular....

So we got this big sausage wrap small sausage...i thought is what...the big sausage is actually made of glutinous rice wrapping a smaller taiwan sausage

We also saw a couple of small restuarants along the way

and decided to hop into this.......

Specialty here: SMELLY TOUFU....not fried but skew with other stuff.....

So we got we dig for the toufu...the smelly smell filled our nose...walaus......and we dig and put into the mouth!! throw rubbish into the mouth.....not bad lar.....the other meat and vege are fresh

we also got mee sua....

and this cheap hot plate of fish and chicken grilled

After filling our stomach...we went on our way to explore more...saw this fruit store...and the fruits are big..walaus..the guava and jambu are twice the size u see in Singapore lor

We brought one big guava and a couple of jambu and anothjer special plum in cherry tomato....very delicious...the guava are so sweet that it can be eaten without the plum or salt powder...

As we eat the fruits...we saw more interesting food stores:

Hundred Miles Fragrance Smelly toufu:

OK....enough of food....some street shots

as we walk...there are rubbish bin along the way...installed by the night market management.....ok...i boliao to put this up

and we reached the end of the night market

OK..I am full and satisfied with the food...and we left the place at about 8pm and the crowd has just pouring in.........
coming up next.....the famous Shilin night market