Run to ECP half marathon
People usually take a break from weekday work in the weekend...but seems like, I am taking break from weekday work for weekend activities
This weekend is overloading and overstressing of the started out with 5:45am on sat morning
I hook up my gear, carried a set of dry clothes to change, a towel, 2x Gu Gels and a 800ml nike water bottle in my water carrier bag (lazy to bring bladder) and wore my Brooks Axiom 3..using my 8/2 run/walk..I slowly headed down from Sengkang to hougang ave 3 to kembangan to telok Kurau to East coast parkway.....As I was approaching closer and closer to ECP, dark clouds were moving from right to left....I might get hit by the storm...and i am prepared for that....but I was lucky....the rain never came throughout the run.
I hit the ECP beach at 12.8km for 1hrs 28min and turned right to run along the park all the way to the canal beside PA adventure centre and U-turned. Continued running until the Skate park at carpark C3 to end my run which is 21km long and I took a slow and comfortable 2hrs 27km
This is overloading....First time I ran beyond the 2hrs barrier and overloaded by 27min...and further overload by running with a bag of stuff on my back for first time of the year.....I end and met up with sgrunners LSD group and the pacer training group from Team Fatbird...quite a huge outing and the generous ultraman sponsored bottles of H2O and 100Plus and went around serving the runners.....After taking photos...Went to MacD drive-in to grep Breakfast in TLV and went home, changed and went down to sinseh for my post-run massage
I am proud of myself for being able to wake up before 6am for a LSD finally....I probably need to do so for coming weekends until the marathon day to simulate the actual early morning start race
SwingKPE 10km
Attended a Wedding dinner on sat nite and slept at 2am...after 4hrs of sleep, I brought my heavy body out to meet up with teelee at Kovan to go for the SwingKPE 10km...met TeamBird queuing for the shuttle and teelee decided to jog down to the start point...
We ran along Tampines Road and the TeamBird in the Shuttle bus waved to us and passed up.....we took about 15min to reached the event side......and saw Team FatBird just arrived about 5min after us.....jog even faster than take bus because they got to walk a distance in from the dropoff point.
The start point still far away:

First, we must cross the ERP

And the information panel:

It was nice organising having one extreme left lane to let the 10km runners to the front and you see the rest of the 5km walkers in the pens:

Saw the caterpillars when we reached the 10km holding area

all eager to enter the tunnel and start running:

The race started and there is a stretch where they turned off the lights for the 5km lantern walk.....

I was helping the caterpillar to take photos and clear the path for first 5km and they took 33min...The tunnel is not well ventilated for holding such a running event....we are like running in Furnace along most of the 6km, I started to feel the strain from yesterday morning overloading and also the sinseh massage and also from the stuff air...I was sweating like shower head...but I supposed to rest today and I am running so fast with I started to fade off and left them after 6.5km
The 10km hit the 5km U-turn and was squeezed as them walker crossed the cone markings and walk on the runners was a messy and most runners decided to walk as well including me...only at exit or entrances do we get some air flow:

It was getting more and more jam as the finishing line approaches:

before reaching finish line, the runners split

most runners stopped at the finish line to take photo and that is my finishing time

After crossing teh finishing line, I took another one fromt he other direction

After the finish line, it is still a long walk out.....along the way, goodies bag are handed out

We also see some entertainment before getting out of the tunnel

exhibits were up just at the exit to the tunnel

I looked out after I am out of the tunnel:

The MC are 2 radio DJs

See the lady on the left of photo, she was talking on the phone and people trying to take photo of the car guy as her to move aside for the rest to take photo....she replied that Photo taking with the car is for charity and it cost $20....the crowd's face turned with she still remained to stand there until someone pay:

There are food stalls and playground for the kids and also a milo truck with long queues...most people just head towards to catch the shuttle bus...a few of us choosed to take a stroll back to kovan central and have a good breakfast/lunch before dispersed
The front og the event tee which is XL in size given to me a week back

The back

The goodies bag....very impressed from a FREE run...even better than most if not all other paid events

My shoes for the event

Probably one and the last time we get to run in the tunnel for 10km......not well ventilated enough but the organising passed with flying colours.....saw an ambulance rushing along the tunnel and someone doing CPR in it....hopes nothing happen to the fellow lying in there and I heard, he is not even a runner but a volunteer
Overloading weekend....need a recharge over the weekdays for the next hectic weekend
1 comment:
Nice review.
You should do better next time.
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