It is already morning 1am on Wed. Not in very good mood yesterday...mainly due to some forever changing in task everyday which makes me difficult to catch up and organise my schedule properly..will expect to do OT till maybe end of the year...dunnoe y my words are small or ang mo no good..some pple just cannot understand what i wrote....
Only went home at 7.30pm and i was surprisingly the last one to leave office. reached home at 8pm...got pasar malam and funeral downstairs side by side....a bit wierd situation...only managed to start at 8.40pm...
i feel i really need a long long run...without pre-planning the route..i suddenly have craving for changi nasi lemak...so there i went running towards my destination.
My start was a bit fast as i met this lady runner wearing the SCM 2003 tee and listening to her mp3...she was going quite fast..having some difficulty to catch as i have not warmed up....so i just keep her within 20m in front....we went separate ways after 1km...i decided to do run/walk with a ratio of 10/2 this time...to see if this ratio is OK to use....so i tried to do a slower run pace as my lower legs are still feeling some ache from AHM 2 days back.
without pre-measured the route and distance checkpoint, i just went and went...reached bedok reservoir and went for a quick pee before i ran towards tampines...it was after safra that the situation from last sunday AHM came again...traffic lights stop but with lnger waiting time....these stop has broke my run/walk momentum and i lost a few min doing more walking and stops....it was until TPE that the situation got better.
entered loyang area...the challenging slopes did slow me a bit but i was still going at a comfortable pace...my lower limps started to feel a bit strain. i slowed down a bit after a long downslope. finally reached changi point after 2hrs 15min. went straight to 7-11 to get a bottle of isotonic drink....as i walked towards the food centre, found that the famous nasi lemak got no queue at all, grabbed a plate immediately as i down myself with the delicious chicken wings and egg.

it was already 11++pm....did not waste much time after finishing my food, i proceed to the busstop hoping to catch my bus home as quickly as possible....
although slower...but a much better run than AHM....at least i din vomit this time.
Shoes: Asics Nimbus VII
total distance: 20.8km
total time: 2hr 14min 14sec
average speed 6:27min/km
8.2km for 49:16min@6:00min/km
4.6km for 28:33min@6:12min/km
8.0km for 56:24min@7:03min/km
Hope ur work situation improves soon. Its good tat u managed to run off tat frustration, and even got to eat ur nasi lemak!
I shld do tat too next time! Just zao and zao to find yummy food whenever I am sooo sick of the daily struggles!
Cheer up di di, let's look fwd to the great weekend ahead! :)
Wow, u run n run also can reach you pre-determined destination. U v good leh. I think u have GPS installed. :-p
Next time please jio me when u r having good food.
u are damn cool lor... just put on your runners and go run! wish i can be like this...
finally, never vomit!
way to go, taz!
Hey Taz! This is such a cool run! :P I must try doing this sometime... just run to where I feel like eating, regardless of the timing :D
Your LSD and run/walk ratios looks really impressive. I am very sure you will excel again in the marathon this year! :)
thanks everyone....
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