"Run into peace. The man who is in the state of running, of continuous running into peace, is a heavenly man. He continually runs and moves and seeks peace in running" - Meister Eckhart, 14th century philosopher

Went for CBD run this evening...as usually, a big big crowd appeared...Aichai was planning the run..this time, we will run to marina park up the sheares bridge from city side, cross over to suntec area and up the sheares bridge from the other side and back to marina park.
I was running with J...met C and YY lost their way so ended up running together back to end point....YY was nursing knee injury so got to run slow....reached the end at abt 55min and C and J was jumping and jumping for more run.....so superboy and myself escorted them to run towards esplanade and back...a fast and furious run...ended up with superboy suffered stomach cramps......we came back at abt 18min for abt 3.4km...
funny..distance i measured using streetdirectory seems to be shorter than what i expected based to our speed and time......
anyway, a good run before AHM
wah, v cryptic. Simi J and C and YY ahahah :P
too bad i missed the fun oops, i mean run! :P
Only 8.5km? What the...Luckily ran more..!@#$%^&*^%$@#!!$ Humph!
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