Woke up this morning at 3am and reached Padang at 4am. The place was quiteempty as i was one of the earlier competitors around.....the army guys are still preparing or resting for the long day ahead.
Met up with DO and BrokenRunner first....saw DO's hydration belt by New Balance (the one I eyeing and I costed half the price of fuelbelt)...the make is quite good and provide a snug fit around the waist...maybe I will get it next week using the 40% off voucher from New balance REAL Run.
Slowly, more and more SgRunners arrived at the meeting point and very glad to see quite a few new faces........
As the race about to start, I managed to meet up with my running kakis....5 of us started ran together.....it was a big crowd and we are usable to push fast...so we decided to warmup at a slow pace. As we reached each coast park, I started feeling like peeing so i made a quick dash to the toilet along the way and continue with the guys........after 11km, i started to feel the strain and decided to slow down my pace.......I ran alone from this point...i decided to walk thru all water points......as I reached indoor stadium, I was still OK but the water at the waterpoint there is ice cold water...suddenly, this triggered my cough and phelgm...i started to feeling bad and breathing irregularly.......i run-walk until I met with one of my kaki who akan stitch along kallang riverside park.
As we went, We caught up with
Dasher and we decided to ran together for the rest of the run....in the end, we came in together at a decent time of 2hrs 29min (exclusively provided by dasher)....No a bad timing considering my condition although it was 25min slower than my last year timing and walked a lot........
After the Run, met up with the my running kakis and also SgRunners.....Did some marketing to sell the SgRunners Tee to some of my Kakis...Dasher and myself took some photos with the SgRunners and went off with my Kakis for lunch at Novena................my last activity outside for the day is to travel down Suntec after that to get my Black Beauty...described in my next post.

Overall for this year race organisation, It is not as good as last year....waterpoints were not so enthusatic compared to previous year (maybe the best water point compeition was call off?)....the atmosphere at these waterpoint are very dull and listless...unlike previous years, there are cheerings, loud music, water shower, much better deco..........bag deposit is another problem this year, not as organised as last year and runners took a long time to retrieve their bags...No free breakfast this year compared to last year.....goodie bags sucks compared to previous years and otehr event.....the route is OK this year.......at least this year no need to register for the run....
I guess the major difference is becos there is a new commanding organising unit this year as the usual experienced unit got closed down last year (I came from that unit called 1 PDF)

Got to train consistently next year...before that, got to come up with a quick fixed plan for this year end marathon..
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