Yes! I cleared my IPPT for this work year 2 days before dateline!!
I was very happy cause I was quite stress about this IPPT for the past one month. I first booked my IPPT on 6th Aug. Unfortunately, I was sick few days before that....real sick...coughing until my lungs coming out! So i postponed one week after...but my cough got worst and became bronchitis relapsed!!! I continue postpone my IPPT one week after another until today which is my last last chance!!
To my surprised! I have improved all my static stations compared to last yr...only my running was slower by 7sec!! But my fitness is really low....I was panting like a dog after every static stations and everyone was staring at me thinking I OK or not.
As for my 2.4km, My target was 12min, I need to run 3 rounds of 800m so that will be 2min per round. My tactic light, small quick consistent strides rather than my usual long strides. My first round was feeling OK and I did a quick 3:35min. I slowed down during my second round as I know I might not be able to complete if I increase my pace too early and I started to feel dehydration so I did a slow 3:56min. For the last round, I started to feel my stomach muscle weakening but I pressed on and increased my pace and completed in a decent time of 11:07min....3:35min for the last round and I was coughing and coughing after that but this was much better than my REAL Run ending last week.
I have also digged out my IPPT results and 2.4km run ever since my first try during sec 1. Unfortunately, data during my 2 years of junior college and 2 years of army was lost...but still an interesting piece of data....showing how I have fared throughout the past 15 years....This year, I have clocked my fastest shuttle run and my slowest 2.4km timing.....8-(

Click on the above table to see the big table....
Overall, it is a surprised last year..I did it 3 weeks after I recovered and trained for it, this year I did not recover fully and I did not exercise for the past 5 weeks and did much better. Anyway, I got the $200.....should be using it to buy a new running shoes! Yippee!
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