it was a pig nite out the nite before with some friends donig their runs and ends at oasis along kallang river....they decided to try the taiwan midnite porridge...no comments from there....maybe i am hungry..so not fair to say it is good....but the whole day i was aeting and munching right from the time i woke up...worst of all, we continue to went to siglap Gelare for ice-cream wafer after our dinner!!!
Reached home at 12++ and managed only t sleep at 1pm..gosh...this morning i woke up at 6am..went to clear my bowels and went back to bed again...in the end only started my run at 7am...walaus...must be too long never wake up early for morning runs(been doing nite runs for past 2 weeks)....My body was weak and still sleeping when i set off...but the weather was great!! no sun and cooling and with a little wind
I decided to run to punggol for a loop before i head down back to hougang and tampines road...it took really quite a while..maybe 4-5km before my body got warmed up and wake up...i turned into hougang park along sungei serangoon and was surprised to see many birds having their breakfast....egrets, cranes, kingfishers, kites....those who love bird watching to come and see..and also those photographers (at abt 8.30am)....
Turned into Tampines road, the run got better without must disruption and stops...it was a long way but the road was filled with many heavy vehicles...got to brave thru the fumes and noise....just when i reached old tampines road...encountered a big group of roadies doing their rides.....
The old tampines road has no pathment so i have to run by the side of the road against the traffic...not a good place for nite run....but the greenery does make the air better here....finally turned into tampines ave 10 and cross TPE to paris ris...decided to turned into Pasir ris ave 1 Koufu for a short toilet break before i turned back to ave 3....there was no traffic break and i was doing a relax pace.....finally reached loyang ave...good thing is the whole run was not hot becos it was quite cloudy...the cool breeze came once a while and make the body feel fresher......

Reach Changi village in near 2 hrs covering abt 24km with lots of energy to go.....grab a big 100 plus and head for the beach to cool down before i proceed to the food centre for my fish ball soup(nasi lemak queue too long this time)...and happened to sit beside a table with 2 Mediacorp stars and their family....one is pricilla (she look so pretty and slim in person) but cannot remember the actor name.....
finally brought another big glass of sugar cane juice before i head home to nap...
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