Also managed to get from Bedok national Library this time is also the Feb 05 issue of Runner's World.

Some articles will be really attractive to runners who are keen to improve their timings.

Yes, they are the above 3 articles on Training using stairs climbing, Hill Running and also building core muscles for Running.
There is also a special story on New York Marathon:

That's all for the brief coverage from me. You can try your luck in other national library branches or wait for me to return it to bedok in 3 weeks time.
Cheers.................I read to get inspired, I run to be happy
i have that mag! that ultramarathon man! he wants to run 300 miles non stop. it is really madness! 300 miles = 480 km! cialat!
i am planning to run from spore to kl and back to spore again non stop. wanna beat his record! haha! like real!
Yeah! I will read that after i finished with the Sept issue.....
By the way, I have read about this ultramarathon man running across America from west coast to east coast non-stop....that is even more impressive!!
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